Synthetic compound fertilizers
We provide different ratios of compound fertilizers which are suitable for most of the Sri Lankan crops such as Paddy, Maize, Tea, Rubber, Coconut, Sugarcane, Vegetables and Pulses. Most of them are sustain release compound fertilizers in second or third generation having more than 60% of efficiency when compare with primary fertilizers such as Urea & Ammonium Sulphate.
We represent world renowned principals & suppliers from USA, Spain, Belgium, South Korea & China.
Synthetic liquid fertilizers
Well balanced range of liquid & gel type fertilizers helps you to improve yield & quality of your crop. We provide liquid or gel type fertilizer suitable to vegetative & reproductive phases. Also, our low environmental impact organo-mineral range would helps to improve yield while reducing environmental impacts.
Compound organic fertilizer range
We represent reliable suppliers to provide best quality organic fertilizers. This range consists different ratios of fertilizer based on the crop & growth phase.
Liquid Organic Fertilizers
This is a full line of products to be used by foliar and/or root application in order to promote healthy and abundant growth of all crops. We supplied world best organic fertilizers origin from Europe with well balanced nutrient contents. This range consists liquid fertilizers, Biostimulants and Soil Adjuvants having unique / specific features of individual products.